Wednesday, December 23, 2009


seventeen photos comemorating kitty katherine's sweet 17!!!

love and God's blessings,
dani xx


SuzanSayz said...

They just go and grow up so darned fast don't they?
Merry Christmas Dani. I treasure your friendship. You are a genuinely GOOD person and I feel blessed to know you!
love susan

Lucy said...

A very happy 17th birthday to your darling Katherine and many happy returns. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as we did here in Auzzie land. XXOO

Elise said...

Happy 17th birthday to your beauty full Katherine. You can tell from the photos that Katherine is a joy to all that are blessed enough to know her (just like her mum).

Anonymous said...

Hi Dani, good to hear from you. Happy birthday to your Katherine. Wishing you and yours all the blessings of the New Year.

Tanya said...

Happy Birthday to Katherine! 17 beautiful photos of an even more beautiful girl, I hope she had a wonderful day :)

L. Tan xx

Heidi D said...

Looks like a good time. Where were all of the pictures taken?

dani said...

heidi, they were taken in our little central park!