i am feeling very warm and very fuzzy...
(lol, i know i'm fuzzy more often than not;)
the coffee is black and strong.
maggie is under the covers next to me...
and, john is en route to the bowl game in memphis.
i am actually going to have the first day in a couple weeks mostly to myself. and, though i dearly love my family, i am really looking forward to a day of pajamas, my lap-top, and my bed:)
i love my bed!!!
lol, i even received a long-sleeved tee that says so:P
it was a gift from the notorious d (aka moon pie in the sky)!!!
she and co. arrived in town the day after Christmas;
i was so thrilled to see them and will post pictures soon.
though, i do have photos of a couple snail-mail packages
i recently received:
several days before Christmas the postman delivered a package from california. it was from linda over at lindanjake. i was VERY surprised and delighted. linda is always so thoughtful:)


was this adorable little Christmas picture frame.
i love it linda:D
thank you so much!!!
then on new year's eve the postman delivered another surprise.
this one came all the way from belgium from my friend, tania, over at little sweethearts...

and inside...
no, it is not a belgian waffle, ha!!!

even better... a variety of belgian chocolates,
which have since then ALL been tried and tested:b
thank you so much, tania:D
and thank you for coming up with the idea of snail mail!!!
it has been so much fun:)
with that, i will leave you with sugar plums...
dancing in your head!!!
love and God's blessings,
dani xx
In bed eating chocolate looking at your sweet framed picture. The perfect moment. :)
I would say that life can't get any better for you at the moment ~ sounds like you are having great time to yourself!
Sounds like my idea of heaven!
amanda x
Dear Dani ~ I must admit that I am quite looking forward to getting back home ~ to my own things and my own bed!! The peace and quiet sounds wonderful and I am pleased to hear that you are enjoying it ~ good for you!
Your snail mail gifts are wonderful ~ those chocs look scrummy and the frame is just gorgeous!
Glad that 2009 is starting well for you.
Have a good day ~ and give Maggie a big hug from us.
Love and hugs Tabitha XXXX
How sweet of Linda. I just adore her so much. She is so thoughtful & kind.
Have fun in your pj's. I actually bought myself a pair yesterday & have them on.. But man I was so hot last night with long sleeve & long pants. There the silk kind.
what a great day!
I can think of nothing better than doing what you are doing--we need a pajama day here :)
Ahhh, the sweet life. :) Wishing I was doing something similar right now.
I hope that getting back to routine in a few days doesn't become too overwhelming for you Dani. It makes me smile just thinking of you, there in Kentucky, in a new pair of jammies, with a boxful of decedant chocolates, snuggled in your lovely bed, cuddling up to Maggie. It reminds me to always remember that, LIFE IS GOOD!
What a good day and it's sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas too! Happy New Year, Dani - to you and your beautiful family!!
Dani your day sounds perfect!! The Christmas picture frame is beautiful, what a lovely gift & how yummy were the chocolates from Tania!!! Enjoy your blissful day :D
t. xxxx
Pajama days are the best, I've had one today myself...but because I've been sick in bed all day! I started getting sick yesterday and then woke up with a severe headache this morning. It's stayed with me all day. I've never had a migrane that I know of but this has to be one.
I'm so glad you liked the frame...just a little "thinking of you" at Christmas.
Happy New yEar Dani - I love this music on your blog - very beautiful. So glad you had so much good mail sent your way - you deserve it! Loves to you!
Happy New Year Dani! I'm glad the chocolates arrived safely!
Here's to lots more snail mail and blog post in the coming year, cheers!
Love and knuffels,
Dani, I hear you. We all adore our family but, yes some 'me' time is a must now & then. Love your beautiful gifts and how cute is the picture of little Katherine?
Enjoy you P.J. day snuggled up with your cute Maggie.
Love and hugs XXXXOOOO
Good for you for getting some time for yourself. Treasure it, cherish it. And I would agree that you are fuzzy more often than not. But Dani, that's a good thing. I wouldn't want you any other way.
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