Thursday, November 4, 2010

waste not...

want not!

saturday is supposed to be "d" day
on the lane...
the "d" cluttering of my house.

but, i always face a major "d" lemma
at times such as these:

what do i keep,
and what do i "d" lete???


i've heard it said that,
"if you haven't used it in 6 months,
get rid of it."

well, i haven't used my food processor
in over 2 years. but, i will need it
the next time i want to make
raspberry linzer cookies.
i will want it then
but will have made waste of it.

and, my favorite ralph lauren weekender-jeans...
they haven't fit for 3 years.
but, if i ever take off the extra 40lbs
i've gained, i will want them;
moreover, i will have to pay
3 times what i paid for them in 1999
to replace them, no?

then, there are the Christmas decorations
from our first years on the lane.
i haven't used them
since gold became "so last century".
however, when silver goes out of style,
i may just want to decorate my tree
in gold again!!!

finally, things (both seen and stored)
take up a lot of room in my house.
the problem is most of the things in my house
were gifted to me... i know i will feel guilty
about ridding myself of them.
further, will i be sorry one day that i have wasted
something away to the good-will which i will
want to have kept to remember the gifter?



"d" cisions, "d" cisions...

love and God's blessings,
dani xx


Anonymous said...

Maybe those are things that you can hand down to Kat.
I do try to purge monthly. I make sure I am not a collector, but sometimes you get that one thing that you just can't seem to part with. My food processor once belonged to Pete's grandmother. As little as I use it, I am ever so thankful to have it!
Good luck, oh and keep those jeans. Someday you will wear them!!!

Sally said...

This place could use a lot of "d" cluttering, but I'm sentimental (probably about the wrong things). Every time I move (which has been a lot in the last 9 years) I get rid of "stuff" and get new "stuff" and keep too much old "stuff". Okay, as Hunter would say "never mind". :)

Tanya said...

I have the same problem Dani! Food processor, well you just never know when you'll have the urge to make those raspberry linzer cookies, which by the way sound yummy! Definitely keep the jeans, they don't take up too much room! :P

Obviously I'm of no help at all... :D

Love Tan xxxx