Thursday, October 1, 2009

a photographer and his subject...

(katherine elizabeth and "mr. steve")


you may remember these photos from a past post...

or these from another...

or maybe this STORY.


now, you can put "mr. steve" with a face:)

love and God's blessings,
dani xx

ps. if you would like to visit his site, click HERE.


SuzanSayz said...

Such darling pictures! And yes I do rememer seeing most of them before. But these are the kinds of re-runs I enjoy. I deeply approve of the beautiful classic little girls dresses you have Katherine wearing in all of these. It seems that now a days too many mothers want their daughters dressed in styles that aren't even appropriate for 13 year olds let alone 1 to 8 years old.
In that regard Dani, we are kindred spirits!

Little Sweethearts said...

Ooh, I remember these! Katherine looked so precious in that white coat (I think I commented last time on how much I liked it!)!!


Sally said...

Sweet, sweet!! ((((hugs))))

Tanya said...

Dani, you know how much I LOVE Miss Katherine in her gorgeous white coat!! Such beautiful memories of your gorgeous girl!

Love Tan xx

Jen said...

These are so darling! What precious memories.

Amanda said...

I remember all of these posts!
And it is always nice to put a name to a face, or a face to a name!!
Hope you are all well.
Amanda x

Little Sweethearts said...

Hi Dani,
I sent you an e-mail. If it's stuck with the pigs in space, let me know ;)


Bren's Life said...

Beautiful pictures!! I love her dresses...