Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the love keeps coming....

from across the pond:)

this has been an awesome birthday month!!!

the days have been long, lazy, sunny
full of wonderful surprises from my "snail-mailers":D

over the past couple of weeks i have received an adorable birthday card, a blingin' mirror compact and some yummy, sweet'n'sparkly lip-gloss from my friend, amanda (penny 'n' pounds), all the way from scotland. then, tabitha (twinkle twinkle), my friend from england mailed me a beautiful birthday card with a portrait of my favorite prince and princess (her daniel and lauren) enclosed. and, last but not least, elise (adventures of e and t plus 2), my friend from brisbane sent me a lovely birthday card as well as a really cool "season (puzzle)tree".
each gift and giver is so special to me...
as are ALL you fellow bloggers and snail-mail friends!!!

thank you all so much:D

love and blessings,
dani xx


Jan said...

You are like the birthday santa Dani. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Dani you are obviously a very special person that comes across the cyberspace into the lives of each of us. Blessings

Miss Lisa said...

So sweet---it's just more proof of what a caring person you are :)

Sally said...

Aw, so very sweet. It's amazing the friendships that are made through blogging!! There's a reason for everything! :)

Heidi D said...

You little lucky ducky Dani!

I had a dream about shaped popcicles. It was weird and I credit your post down below. :))

Lisa Christine said...

Worldwide birthday blessings! You deserve it!

Elise said...

And you are so special to me!

Lots of love

Tanya said...

You are so very special to me too d!!! I feel like you have always been apart of my life... no matter the distance that seperates us!

Much love to you my beautiful friend :)

tan xxxx

Tabitha said...

You are a very special person indeed Dani and I am so pleased that you loved all your birthday gifts. I have yours and Tanyas gifts all ready to go now ~ so I will e mail you and let you know that I have posted them!!
Take care dear friend,
Love and big hugs Tabitha XXXXXX

Amanda said...

I'm glad you like it!