Saturday, January 9, 2010

saturday's, snow-slinging snapshots...

love and God's blessings,
dani xx


Lucy said...

Looks even better than I imagined. What a way to get warmer and have fun with all your friends.
Happy new year dear Dani. Hope you continue to enjoy the rest of the year with such fun.

Lucy said...
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Lucy said...
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Lucy said...
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Sally said...

Awwww, these photo's are wonderful, Dani. I just love seeing young people have so much fun!! ((((hugs))))

SuzanSayz said...

Wow, someone went way overboard on the delete comment function. tee hee

It looks like a good time was had by all. This is just a guess, but did they all come in and have Hot Coco afterwards?

dani said...

cocoa, chili, pizza, shrimp cocktail, and brownies... oh, did i say a case of sodas!?!!?

Tanya said...

Awesome photos Dani!! I'd say everyone had a great time!! You guys always know how to have a great time :)

L. Tan xxx

Amanda said...

What fun! There is nothing like a good snowball fight.
Love your pictures.
How did Maggie like the snow?
Bowser has just seen his 1st snowfall and he loves playing (and eating) the snow!

Amanda x

Serendipity said...

Fun! We are looking forward to a little snow next winter! Hope y'all enjoyed some hot cocoa after all the play!