st. patrick's day marks three beauty full events in my life...
march 17, 1990 - the day john and i officially got engaged... THE RING!!!
march 17, 1992 - the day katherine elizabeth was conceived... THE ROMANCE!!!
march 17, 2000 - the day john and i renewed our wedding vows... 10 YEARS!!!
in 1990, john being john (the romantic devil he is, lol!!!), said, "come on, let's go for a ride." so, out we went, jumped in his truck, and drove away from his house. when we got about three houses away from his, he tossed a small box over to me
as he said, "here, i hope you like it:)"
i unwrapped the box to find...
an engagement ring!!!
me loving john being john the romantic devil he is (at least in his own *special* way), loved the ring and loved, loved, loved him even more!!!
in 1992, john and i celebrated st. patrick's day in more ways than one;)
oh, the romance!!!
for a long time, i was pretty sure that katherine was conceived that night. anyway, a few years later i happened onto a website that calculated due dates/conception dates... so, i entered her birth date and clicked "enter"...

yep, i was right; she was, indeed, a full-term st. patty's baby:b
john and i celebrated our 10 year anniversary in 2000. i wanted us to renew our wedding vows; and, i wanted our preacher at the time to perform the ceremony. however, there was one problem. ric, our preacher, wasn't going to be in town that day... as he was going to be at the kentucky state boys' basketball tournament.
believe it or not, john told me that would be no problem... we'd just drive to lexington, and ric could perform the ceremony there between basketball games:D
so, that's exactly what we did!!!
there just happened to be a big methodist church a block down and across the street from rupp arena (where the games were being held). we renewed our vows that friday afternoon and spent a very romantic weekend at a quaint little inn in lexington.
is saint patrick's day a special day for you and yours???
i hope this one will be:
love and GOD's blessings,
dani xx
I've always loved S.P's day. But you guys get the award for best-way-to-celebrate it for sure.
What a lovely day for you and John.
Hope it's romantic, fun, and green!
I think your engagement rivals my engagement Dani! ha :)
I am going to eat green stuff and say funny Irish stuff. Lots of stuff going on here.
Wow! What a special day for you :)
Happy St. Patty's day from the Sorenson's!
What a great post Dani!
I love that today is so special for you, in so many ways.
Happy St Patricks Day to you XXXXX
St Patricks Day is certainly lucky for you guys!
Happy Anniversary to you both.
Much Love,
Amanda x
Oh, i love the Enya music you have playing in the background.
This is a fab day for you guys. How exciting. Loaded with memories and romance ;) ;)
Happy 10 years of renewed happiness over and over again.
Happy Day to you dear Dani. Lucky in Kentucky is great btw.
Now if that ain't good ole luck!!! Happy St. Patricks day! Glad the 17th is such a good day for you..
Awwww, that is soooo sweet! Happy days; I love hearing about them. :)
(Yes, there is something about the old time way of figuring out about births~my daughter was born 2 days shy of the 9 month conception. The dr had said 11/12; I said 11/19; she was born on 11/17! hahahha)
Ooh, John, the romance... ;) Each his own style I guess :)
At least he made it a day to remember! ;)
What a great day of memories...
Aww - what a romantic date for you!
Ours is April 20 - we started going out that date, and then were engaged exactly 3 years later. But we didn't quite get the timing right on conception! Esme was a July 4 fireworks event...
St. Pat's is my parent's anniversary. After my dad died, it was going to be a sad holiday but my middle son was born the next year on St. Pat's. So it is even more special for our family.
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