who will be driving us this year, amanda???
will it be ty sporting a shiny black bently???
(or possibly pitt in a red porsche???)
you know...
unless you pass the task onto someone else,
this is your responsibility:)
oh, to be the one responsible for collecting our hunk of a driver
and choosing the perfect virtual car to take us to this year's gala!!!
in 2008, we attended a lovely champagne brunch...
this is what i chose to don LAST YEAR:

champagne brunch - by princessmeah on Polyvore.com
this year i think a spring garden party is in order!!!
now, all you have to do is go HERE
and register. then pick out your virtual attire
for this event and invite all your friends to
join in the fun:)
finally, let me know (via comment)
when you have chosen what
(or should i say, "who")
you will be
wearing, and i will do the same!!!
have fun!!!
love and God's blessings,
dani xx
ps. if you need help with polyvore,
just let me know. it seems like a few did last year...
i will get you started.
once you have created your account (registered),
click "create".
you will then be given tabs from which to choose:)
click HERE for instructions for how to post your creation:)
I don't drink Dani. But I think you could actually get away with it this way :) How fun. I love what you chose. Very southern and cute.
Oh YAY!!!
I love it!
A chance to get all dressed up and wear some bling!!
I had a nightmare with this last year ~ I will just pop over and see how far I can get ......I will more than likely be back in a minute shouting for HELP ha ha !! (I WAS one of those people last year TEE HEE!!!!).
Your outfit is gorgeous Dani ~ how I wish that we could do this for real! I keep praying that I win the lottery ~ then I would pay for all my blog friends and me to get away somewhere fab ~ and these outfits would be there waiting for us!
Keep dreaming!!
Love and hugs Tabitha XXXXXXXX
I love your outfit from last year! I might pop over to the site if I can find the time (it's a good thing this is just virtual shopping, I'd go bankrupt otherwise haha!), I'd love to come and hang out at your spring garden party!!!
I think I have chosen my outfit ~ probably not the most suitable outfit for a garden party ~ but hey ~ it is probably my only day/night out this year ha ha !!
No idea what I am going to do to get it into a blog post.....HELP!!
When are we revealing our outfits? Do let me know ~ so I can prepare ha ha !!
Lauren has asked if she can come too ~ she saw me doing my outfit and wants to do one too ~ goodness knows what she will come up with ??? XXXXX
I have "stolen" Richards laptop to write here as mine broke beyond repair last night.
I will "go shopping" tonight to pick my outfit and let you know what i plan to wear!
This year though, it will be Mike Holmes that will be driving ~ do you know him?? "Holmes on Homes" is the programme that he is in.
Anyway ~ i can't wait to go shopping for my outfit and yours is lovely, you will be just beautiful!
Amanda x
Hi there, just to let you know that I have chosen my outfit ~ and Lauren chose one too!!
I have put the post on my blog today. Thanks for this Dani ~ our annual get togethers are such fun!
One year it will be for real!
Love and hugs Tabitha XXXX
Yes, I managed to put together an outfit!!! I just posted it on my blog (it just took me a few minutes to figure out I had to use "block quote" to insert the code).
Are you baking cupcakes for the occasion? ;)
Love and knuffels,
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