it was the first of its kind to EVER grace my face:[
admittedly, i have gray in my hair. i do NOT have gray hair... just gray hairs (that have multiplied since john bought his harley. i keep them colored;).
now, i must say that seeing the white hair for the first time in a magnifying mirror was a little startling. so, i quickly plucked it:o it wasn't quite so startling when i looked at it (in real life, ha!!!) between the tweezers. but, it was what it was... my FIRST, lone, coarse, white, facial hair!!!
my first thought was not, "omgosh, i'm getting old!!!"
no, my first thought was (don't laugh), "i wonder if i got some old, crotchety man's blood in my transfusion a few weeks ago???"
i know that that was plainly a very ignorant thought, but in all honesty it was MY first thought... i put the tweezers down and looked closely in the mirror to see if there were any more.
there weren't any others!!! i gave a big sigh of relief...
it was then that i doubled over and started laughing at myself... (i'm such a goof; i crack myself up on a regular basis, about things NORMAL people would probably not find funny:S). of all the thoughts for me to have... for my mind to even go in the direction of my transfusion having anything to do with my wild hair... was just plain crazy!!!
however, if my eyebrows start looking like 60 minutes commentator, andy rooney... i'm really going to start to wonder, and i'm going to find absolutely no humor in the situation!!!

(God love mr. rooney... he's got some EYE BROWS!!!)
i wonder if one or both of my pints came by way of andy???
if so, thank you, mr. rooney for saving my life!!!
my new eyebrows???
hmm... NOT SO MUCH!!!
love and blessings,
dani xx
Hi Dani
Not only do you crack yourself up, you also make me laugh hysterically.
A stray hair like that could possibly make you think a little crazy, but your thinking is just too funny.
I am sitting here typing this while having pains in my abdomen every seven to nine minutes, lasting about a minute. So I am sitting here having my own crazy thoughts. Is this it??? I've heard so many stories about false labour so we'll keep monitoring and see what happends. I'll leave a note on my blog if we decide to head off to the hospital. I'll feel like a real goof if we go into the hospital and they send us home, so I want to be sure.
Love and hugs to you
If you got any of AR's blood we will have to come get you and take you away for a good plucking and make over! Yes....he does have some eyebrow, but so does a schnauzer.
So.....above comment.....are you in labor??????
Well, you have to blame that 'stray
' grey hair on something and why not the blood transfusion! ( can't blame it on age )
Thanks for the laugh Dani, i'm off now to check if Elise is in labour!
Amanda xx
omgosh, elise!!!
i'm just now checking my comments!!! did they stop??? or, is troy birthing "blue"??? the suspence is killing me!!! i'm going to have to go over to see what your mum has up on her site:D
i'll be back again to "check"...
Oh Dani ~ why do you always write these funny things when I have a mouth full of coffee ~ my poor laptop is getting fed up of having it spat all over it LOL!!
That is hilarious ~ and believe me ~ if I ever see a photo of you on your blog with eyebrows like that ~ I will be having a quiet word with you (tee hee)......you crack me up!!!
hope you are ok now and not hurting from laughing so much!!
love you ~ Tabitha XXX
i cannot find any info, amanda:/ how about you???
ps... it sounds kind of like we are about to be virtual aunts, huh????
Crackin me up! I'll come out from behind the closet and admit I have one too!
HA!!! tabitha, just don't electrocute yourself on my account!!! i'd never forgive myself:o
ps... did you read elise's comment^^^??? it sounds like she may be in labor; but she commented 3 hours ago... i don't see anything on her blog nor her mom's!!!
oh, bless you, jennifer!!! i thought i was the only one... REALLY!!!
i don't even remember my grandmothers EVER plucking white coarse hairs from their eyebrows, respectively!!!
jenn, you're my hero, today:D
thank you for coming clean,HA!!! YESSSS!!!
don't know where you got the idea that you aren't funny--your blog seriously makes me laugh out loud every time i look at it! we'll let you know if your brows ever start looking like mr. rooney's, but you'll have to do the same for me! have you SEEN the freitag family brows?! i used to have caterpillars dwelling above my eyes! my sensitive skin does well using 'nads' to wax my brows. have you tried that one?
hey, christina...
i have used nads before, but, the sugars in mine crystalized; and, i've just never ordered any more. i should look into that again:)
tweezing really doesn't bother me... lol, just tweezing white, coarse hairs!!!
Hello Dani,
I came to your site immediately after checking Elise's and finding out that she wrote something about labour in one of your posts, so sorry that I kinda speeded through your post. I did catch the lonely little (now gone forever) gray hair and the blood transfusion! You just look a little different in the picture (haha!)
I love the idea of 'virtual aunts'! Guess we're ALL really excited about meeting mini boy blue!
ha!!! tania...
i'm still wondering about elise, myself. i think she would have posted something unless everything really went quickly after her comment.
it's only 5am right now in brisbane. so, maybe we will hear something soon:)
hey, shannon... i think you would have to give them a good cut, shave, and then a pluck, lol!!!
i haven't found any elise info!!! but, when i have any, i will let you all know. I'M SO EXCITED FOR ET AND CO.!!!
Hi dani ~ keep checking on Elises blog, but nothing yet!!
It would be so wonderful if this is 'is'!!!
Like you said ~ we could all be virtual auntie soon!!!
love and hugs Tabitha XXX
I keep checking Elise blog like a mad stalker to see for any news of the arrival of the little one. No news yet, but no news is good news, or thats what i say anyway!
Hi there Dani
It was a false alarm. Damn. We were sure this was it. Feeling very crampy this morning. Didn't sleep much. I'll do a quick post on my blog now. Hopefull you will be a virtual Aunt very soon.
Love to you
oh, elise... he'll come when it's time. i hate that you're feeling crampy, though. after you make your post see if you can get some rest, sweetheart:)
tabitha and amanda...
elise posted her blog:)
This was too funny, Dani - I am still smiling! Wonder how long it's been there - HA!
Have a good Tuesday - see you soon - Kellan
i give that 10x mirror a workout. that wild hair... came up overnight!!!
you have a good day, tomorrow, too:D
Girl...if that's the craziest place you've plucked a gray hair...please. :)
it wasn't just a gray hair...
Hardy har-har! That's just TOO funny, Dani! I've already found a few gray hairs myself... Yikes at only 25 - looks like I'll be very faithful to my beautician for years to come! Wish I could blame mine on something (I think the transfusion is a very fair and plausible excuse by the way) And if you ever start to look like Andy, I'll be paying you a visit with my stylist in tow!
Much love,
dear a...
i could totally use your stylist, NOW!!! do you have your, own, personal one??? ha!!! i love andy, but he does have more hair on his eyebrows than john has on his whole head!!! tee-hee:D
I don't technically have my own stylist, I mean she works in a local salon here in Evansville, but I've literally known her my whole life. She & her brother grew up just a mile or so away from our house way out in the middle of nowhere. So actually, we were neighbors! Anyway, Katie's awesome :o)
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