my little puppy-dogger, maggie, has been literally touching some part of my body (with very few exceptions) since i returned home from the hospital...
LOL!!! she has even gone to the restroom with me and has sat guard whilst i have showered.
she is sooooooooooooooooooo sweet!!!
i just love her<333!!!
That is what you call LOVE!!!
She is such a cutie and I am so glad that she is taking care of you. Hope that you are feeling much better and taking things easy!!
Take care my friend ~ thinking of you and sending hugs!
love ~ Tabitha XXXXXXXXXX
She will not let you out of her sight again incase you vanish again!!!
That a smart and loving little puppy dog:-D
Love Amanda xx
Don't you just love how dogs are so loyal. What a special little friend you have in your gorgeous dog.
Dani, I hope that you are feeling better every single day and regaining your strenth. I am constantly thinking about you and sending you lots of love and hugs.
Savanna also sends some of her special kisses (sloppy as they are) and hugs your way.
It is now June 2 here in Australia and that is one special day. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Dani, happy birthday to you. Troy, Savanna and I wish you a wonderful birthday and hope that you have an extra special day filled with special times. We hope you are well enough and feel up to a little celbrating on this your special day.
Lots of extra love
maggie is taking very, very good care of me. she has to really weigh out her options as to whether or not she needs to go potty MORE than she needs to stay at my side. and she gives me an over the shoulder glance at least 3 times to make sure i'm really ok before she can get out the door... you're so right; that IS what you call love!!!
she has gotten to where she has horrible separation anxiety because i am with her nearly ALL the time. katherine (who's out of school for the summer) said she sat for three days staring out the window watching for me and whining. it's heartbreaking!!! for both of us:`[
maggie is SO special. i am feeling better, thank you;) and i'll take sav kisses however sloppy they are. little toddler kisses are the sweetest:D
can you believe i've been 39 for almost 14 hours now, down under!!! yikes:0
thank you for your rendition of "happy birthday"; it was beautiful!!! and, thank you, troy and sav for your birthday wishes:o]
love and "old" hugs,
Hi Dani ~ Just popped back over to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!
It is 7.40am here and I am just getting the kids ready for school!!
Hope you have a fantastic (relaxing) day,
Sending hugs from Daniel and Lauren too,
Enjoy your day,
Love ~ Tabitha XXXX
Oh what a sweet, sweet dog! Happy Birthday Dani!!! I wish for you a beautiful day filled lots of love, laughter & beautiful memories!!
Hope you are feeling much better.. keeping you in my thoughts & prayers!!
Have a beautiful birthday :)
Love & hugs,
Tanya xoxo
Dani... we both turn 39 this year!!!!
thank you, tabitha...
i'm definitely STILL working on the relaxing part;)!!! i hope your day is going well:D
thank you, too, tanya!!!
you know that that means that next year i will turn 40... four days before you:/ 40???
oh, well we'll get to enjoy 39 for a whole year first; right!!!
hope you're having sweet dreams as i type:D
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear dani,
happy birthday to you!
( i'm singing!! )
that's beautiful, amanda!!!
you really should think about trying out for eurovision 2009:D i could say i discovered you, lol!!!
thank you:)
ps... tabitha, hugs back to daniel and lauren:D
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