here's katherine's card for her dad...

(the cover...)
believe it or not, katherine is NOT a big shopper (not that she doesn't love and appreciate that which i purchase for her;)!!!

(the inside...)
elise, over at the adventures of e and t, always has great "toddler triumphs" with her darling little girl, sav!!! well, here on "the lane", we had a teenager triumph for father's day!!! YES!!!
love and blessings,
dani xx
Hope John was well pleased with his Fathers Day Gift!
And hope you all had a great day:-D
Love Amanda xx
under the circumstances, i think he was, amanda... i hope you have had a great day as well:D
Guess what I did....I forgot to get Pete a fathers day card,,,,,well actually I did about a month ago and put it away. I found it the other day, already in the envelope. I gave it to him this morning and turns out it was his Birthday card I bought for him earlier.
Very cute. Hope your hubby had a nice Father's Day! Take care - Kellan
Cute, great pictures!
Aww, what a beautiful Father's Day card!! Hope John had a great Father's Day!!! I'm sure he's going to love those loafers... very nice!! So glad to hear that you are obeying dr.'s orders!!!
Take care.. have a great Monday!!
Tanya xxx
D! have you knitted anything yet????
that is so funny, shannon. before i decided to just print out john's card, i was looking around the house for an OLD father's day card (how sad is that???), but i had already put them all in his scrapbook...
did pete crack up???
i hope he had a great father's day:D
Very clever. Thanks always for your kind comments!
thank you kw, come back by anytime:D
Hi dear Dani
A teenager triumph - I love it, love it, love it!!!
What a clever girl your darling Katherine is. Does she like shopping online? Or does Katehrine have an aversion to all shopping? I am not a fan of just browsing around the shops myself. I like to shop with a purpose.
I bet john loved this special and original card from his darling Katherine. I hope he had a fantastic Father's day with his girls.
Love and hugs
thank you, tanya:) it worked in a pinch. it DID come from the heart. katherine, maggie, and i love, love, love our guy<333
i think he had a pretty good day. however, lol, the poor thing had to grill his own father's day burgers and hot-dogs:/ (he did a very good job, though, i might add:b)
as far as my knitting endeavor has gone, the only thing i've accomplished thus far is a roll of knots and a lot of laughing at myself. i will keep you updated:b
dear elise,
katherine is a perfect size (so far) for ordering online. she really doesn't like shopping at all but totally loves when the ups guy rings the doorbell with abercrombie and hollister boxes.
i order most of her things for her. she has very traditional taste in clothes and shoes. so, it's pretty easy to please her.
so far as kat's "teenager triumph" went... john thought it was pretty clever and very funny (HA!!! i hoped you would like that i called it that:)!!!
have a lovely evening!!!
you are so welcome, purple shannon!!! i really hope your new move starts to feel like home for you more sooner than later:D
i know it has to be very hard; i just pray it becomes easier for you:)
hi, kellan...
thank you!!!
i think john had a good one and hope "big billy" did as well:D
Love that card ~ what a great idea!!
Hope the loafers arrive soon and that John loves them!!
Have a happy day ~
love and hugs ~ Tabitha XXXX
funny, huh, tabitha:D they should be here in a couple of days. i really don't know why he wanted them for father's day??? he wears his new balance most of the time in the summer. but, i was just delighted that he SAID what he wanted. it certainly made it a lot easier!!!
have a great day with your glue eating sparkling children, lol... i know you will; how much fun is your job:)
Oh Dani, that card looks lovely.
I'm sure John had a great day and that he will enjoy those loafers when they arrive.
Katherine looks so cute in that picture. Not quite a teenager at that time... How fast the years start to pass when you become a parent...
they do pass quickly, tania... VERY QUICKLY:[ katherine will be 16 in a few months. i don't know where the time has gone; but it has flown. i have even had the luxury of staying home with her. so, i haven't missed a minute, and it still seems like just yesterday that i took that picture of her and john sitting on the couch... sigh...
john did have a good day:D i hope he likes the loafers as they are just a newer version of the ones he's worn off the soles. i think he will.
i hope your week has started off well:)
when Pete opened his card he said...Thanks...I'm glad you think I am sexier at 40 and then I knew it was his birthday card. He's so good!
He left that afternoon with a friend to get Bicycle parts for his vintage Pugoit(sp) he is turning it into a fixie.
This is his fathers day gift. Another bike to add to his collection.
Have a great day. I am planning a trip home in July from the 111-22. I hope to make it to Henderson. It would be nice to visit with you!
"sexier at 40", huh??? lmao!!! that probably was better than the regular old "happy father's day". a vintage bike is a great gift:
i've heard of peugeot cars but not bicycles; i wonder if they're spelled the same and if they are made by the same company???
anyway, i'm delighted he had a good laugh and a great day:D
Awww!!! What a cute idea! And I love that you called it a 'teenager triumph' in honor of Elise. I bet John really liked the card & beautiful picture, and I bet he'll LOVE the shoes! Hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day together!
All my Love,
we did have a good father's day, amanda... and john got his shoes in the mail today. perfect fit!!! yeah!!!
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