it is a picture of me in college!!!
i was a "bow head", too, just like my little katherine:D
notice: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

omgosh, i was 21 years old with a bow in my hair, penny loafers on my feet, and crew socks... i think i was in style???
and, how about the naugahyde, bucket love seat??? lol, it doesn't look like it has any back legs; does it??? then there's the "napoleon dynamite" phone cord!!! we (four girls) lived in this "furnished" house our senior year... my second rental house after two years in the dormitory.
the first house had a piano on the front porch and was situated next to a boot store with a huge horse on its awning!!! i wish i had a picture... now, THAT was a thread in time!!! we (six girls) lived in a two bedroom house with one bathroom:O
it was so much fun:D
love and blessings,
dani xx
Those were the days!!!
Thanks for sharing the old photo. Doesn't it make you cringe when you look back at old photos of yourself ~ I do anyway!
And we thought we were sooo cool too!
Amanda xx
I mean i cringe looking at old photos of myself, not you!!!
A xx
lol, i definitely thought i was the preppy queen there for a few years, HA!!!
Hi Dani ~ love the photo, Katherine sure does look like you!!
I sometimes look at photos of when I was younger and wonder what the hell I was wearing ~ but at the time it was THE fashion LOL!!
Love and hugs Tabitha XXXX
Thats a great photo. I can not imagine living with one bathroom and that many females! Ohhhh my....
Hope your day is going good. K~
yeah, tabitha... it was just a sign of the times (i hope, lol!!!)... walking shorts, sweater vests... late 80's early 90's that's what we were wearing:b
thanks, kendra...
it worked:D thinking back, i don't even think it was EVER and issue. a few of us were nighttime bathers and a few morning. i can remember that a couple used the big mirror in the den to get ready in the mornings. a couple used the bathroom mirror. i, of course used the mirror in my car on the way to class, ha!!! we never even bickered over anything???
like i said, it was a lot of fun:b
That is vintage! I should find some of my pics of me in the 80's...All you would see is BIG HAIR!! :-)
Aww girl.. look at you!! so sweet... sounds like your college years were loads of fun, thanks for sharing your photo... you do look very cute, & as much as we may cringe it's who we were lol.
D! I actually thought it was a photo of Miss Katherine... had to look twice!!
Have a great night!! oh.. did it storm today & keep you out of trouble??
Take care,
Tanya xxxx
you should, robin... i would love to see them. i never had big hair... probably because i got ready in my car, lol!!! no, really, i was always super conservative... aka: a nerd!!!
they were fun, tanya!!! i have stayed close to most of those friends, and we have the best time reminiscing!!!
katherine did get my hair (and my warped sense of humor, bless her heart). but, she's her daddy's child. she's very petite like he is and looks much like his mother did at the same age.
you know, when i commented you back this morning, it had gotten really dark and was thundering, but the next thing i knew the sun was shining. it has been a beautiful day today. and, i have been very well behaved:D
I love that picture! You are so cute! And I love the bow!! Hehehe!
You look darling - talking on the rotary phone - darling!
Thanks for coming by today and leaving the sweet a supportive comment - you are a good friend and I am lucky to have found you. Take care - Kellan
that was me, ashley:b ha, i look like i was in a private school uniform:D i actually dressed like that by choice!!!
night... don't let the bed-bugs bite!!!
you are so welcome, kellan:) i don't know why someone had to go and be so hateful... i think you're a wonder woman to do all you do:D
love and hugs,
Tee hee!!! Oh my heavens!! What a HOOT!!! You were such a cutie! And you're just as cute now as then :o)
I can't remember when I stopped wearing bows... I guess in high school? I dunno... But I did get back into them for a phase - and am considering doing so again! (Since I always match Livie) Is that going a bit too far though...?
So where did you go to college? It's wonderful that you had such wonderful friends throughout that special time in your life.
Much love as always!
You were 21??? You barely look 16! And as for the fashion: I didn't wear bows but I do remember some fluorescent clothes in my wardrobe ...
As for summer: I guess we start a day later: June 21. It's just that it feels like we haven't had a REAL winter and now the true summer days seem to be playing hide and seek: a few nice days and - poof - there gone again.
hey, amanada...
i went to murray a looooooooong time ago, ha!!! i think if you want to wear a bow in your hair to match liv, go for it:D (i did when katherine was little on occasion). i love ribbon and bows; they are so girly:)
i was 21, tania:) i looked like a baby up until about 5 years ago (i was carded up until then, HA)...
our weather here has been strange as well... nearly 2 months of rain, a really cool spring, a HOT beginning to june, and now a sudden cool-down that doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon???
i hope you're having a good day; i'm having a very late night... to much caffeine earlier, i suppose...
I love everything about the photo....the chair, the cord, the carpet and paneling...I even love the stink'n bow on your darling head. Did you dress from Klassy Kids as well?....ROFL
Seriously.....priceless photo!
Oh Dani, you were one cool girl. You look so much younger than 21. I would love to hear some of your colllege stories, I bet you have some hilarious tales to tell.
Can you see Katherine wearing a bow at her 21st?!?!?
I have photos of myself where I had blindly followed the trends, but I actually remember thinking how cool I was at the time. How funny.
Lots of love and hugs
Oh Dani your too gorgeous inside and out! Love the bows, I still have to put a ribbon in my hair if I pony tail it!
Hope your starting to feel better??
i was 21, elise... just looked 12... or 5!!! yeah, probably 5 (straight out of kindergarten:)
i honestly had every color gross grain and satin ribbon i could find. i was COOL, alright:b tee-hee...
lol, shannon... you didn't mention the iron sitting on the love seat next to me... i was trying to think but hoping we didn't use the vinyl couch as an ironing board???
my shorts were from american eagle and my sweater vest and turtle neck were ralph lauren (with the teddy bear emblem)...
i was too sweet for words!!!
I was just talking to one fo my BEST friends from college the other night, and she and I were both cleaning out old clothes. (She got married the Saturday after me, so we were spoiled getting to be together for almost a week and a half straight! She lives in Chicago now.) Anyway, I asked her why in the world she didn't stop me before I went out in some of those outfits in college! She told me she didn't stop me because she was wearing the same bad fashions! Hilarious! Oh how syles change!
they do, christina... we all looked about the same, too (i think, ha). i don't know if you know him or not, but i have a picture of mark moats and me in college (he is about my height and was wearing a bow tie). we looked like we were modeling for klassy kids... BIG TIME!!! it is sooooooooo funny:D
oh, em:)
i LOVE that you still wear ribbons!!!
i am feeling MUCH better, thank you:D
i hope you and kitty are, too!!! and, poor little coop:[[[ did he have to have his arm put in a cast???
love and prayers,
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