(flags lowered to half staff in memory of the slain.)
there has been an horrific tragedy
that has occurred here in our little town.
a man went into a local factory last night/early morning
and killed 5 people before turning the gun on himself.
we are supposed to get more details at 3pm central time...
a couple of hours from now.
please, keep us in your prayers.
i will update when i get more information.
***********updated information:
click HERE.
(a prayer vigil will be held tonight (6-25-08) for the families of the victim's of today's shooting at Atlantis Plastics.
the prayer vigil will take place at 5:00pm on the steps of the Henderson County Courthouse.
anyone is welcome to attend, and pray for the families of those affected, as well as the community as a whole.)
love and prayers,
dani xx
Oh Dani ~ That is just terrible. I will be praying and will pop back over later to see if there is any more news.
love and hugs to you ~ Tabitha XXX
I'm so shocked. I have made a call into Rendy and she said that no names have been released. I wasn't even aware of this Plastic plant. Is it down in the Industrial Park? Do you know of anyone who works there?
It's so scary to think you live in a small and quiet little town and then something like this happens. It's everywhere!!!!
shannon, the supervisor's (who was killed first) daughter dates my cousin's nephew... right now that is all i know for sure.
it is so sad...
thank you, tabitha...
I am in shock. When I read about that this morning I instantly thought of you and wondered how close your town is to the plant. I can't believe it happened where you live. Lots of prayers and hugs from us..
robin, the plant is only about a mile and a half from my house. katherine and i heard all the sirens last night but thought it was a really bad wreck... too close to home!!!
Just popped back over for an update, how awful for this to happen so close to where you live Dani ~ thinking of you all tonight!
love and hugs ~ Tabitha XXXX
Oh Dani, this is just terrible! There is so much sadness in the world today, I will be keeping you all in my prayers!!
Sending big hugs & all my love,
Tanya xoxox
I read about this earlier today...it's just terrible.
I'm keeping your city and the grieving families in my thoughts and prayers.
there is a lot of sadness in this world. what has happened is just heartbreaking.
these families and co-workers are just devastated... it's all about them.
thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
thank you, linda. our city needs it right now...
Oh Dani
What a horrific tragedy for the workers at this factory and their families. How can someone do something like this? Was the gunman an employee, or former employee?
I will keep your town, these workers and their families in my prayers.
Lots of love to you
I just got the update, name and photos. Since reading the names and ages, my heart is just hurting for these victims and their families.
Thanks for keeping me posted!
elise, it has been awful watching the story unfold. the plant manager just completely broke down during the press conference saying it had been the worst day of his life and saying he hoped no one ever had to go through what his company had gone through...
we just never know; do we???
thank you for your prayers:)
you are welcome, shannon.
they were all very, very young. evidently only two were targetted. the rest were just part of his rampage.
further, i don't know if you ever met him or maybe remember him, but gross clay lindsay died in his sleep last night. he had been our state representative for years. his wife sabra and i were in Bible study together at first church before she died of cancer.
henderson got a double punch of sadness today...
Oh Dani,
I'm so sorry that you have all this bad news coming down on you and your town. You never expect these things to happen so close to where you live.
I'll be thinking of you,
Lots of hugs,
thank you for your thoughts, tania... you are right, you just never know.
Thats just so terrible Dani.
I will say a prayer for those poor families, and the innocent victims.
A tradgedy happened like that in Scotland ~ Dunblane ~ those poor children. It makes me cry just thinking about it.
Amanda xx
thank you, amanda... and i will pray for your scottish families as well.
Oh, that's just terrible Dani! I didn't watch the news at all Wed, I'll have to check in with it.
I hope, in the end, this brings your town together.
our town is very small and very close. the incident itself involved mainly people who live in the county south of here who commute. it's also very, very sad for them. as far as henderson goes, we've just been shocked that it happened HERE...
Dani - I heard about this on the news last night. These things never make sense. Those families are in my prayers.
thank you, robin. it is just a very, very sad and, yes, senseless situation. those families need all the prayers they can get. i cannot even begin to imagine...
Dani, I would not have known about this unless you had posted it. I will be praying for those families. So sad......
I couldn't believe it when I turned on the tv, and my beloved little hometown was on the Seattle news. All I caught was...."Henderson, Kentucky rose to 6." I called my dad and asked him what in the world was going on, and he filled me in. I had no idea that they were talking about a death toll. You just never know.
thank you, shannon. i had heard a constant stream of sirens tuesday night but was sure there'd been a really bad wreck or something... my sister-in-law actually was the one who called and told me about it. she lives in nashville.
i was totally shocked wednesday morning... it has been a very sad week around here.
christina, the "you just never know" part is really scary. i know that over the years there have been several threats in sebree. THAT plant has just been lucky with so many employees that nothing has never happened there.
but, people just can't stop. they have to keep on keeping on, huh...
on a brighter note, i hope you and patrick have a great weekend:)
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